Allen outing absolutely bizarro

Sen. Allen has been "outed" as jewish. Huge faux pas. Allen has made a great mistake here by not already knowing that some of his ancestors were jewish and that he should have been embracing his jewishness for years already.

It's too bad too, since he had Presidential ambitions at one time...

“I think his national political future is over,” says Kati Marton, author of the forthcoming “Nine Jews Who Fled Hitler and Changed the World,” who has written extensively about her own discovery, as an adult, that her parents were Jewish and that her grandparents died at Auschwitz. “Because he doesn’t seem to know how to deal with some of the most sensitive issues that speak to his fundamental character … Allen obviously hasn’t assimilated too many of history’s lessons and the lessons of American politics, which is that you can’t hide anything—you have to embrace it, you have to own it.” Sixty years since the Holocaust, with politicians from Gen. Wesley Clark to Sen. John Kerry “owning” their Jewish roots in public, she adds, a revelation of Jewishness should be anything but shameful.

But as the case of Madeleine Albright shows, coming to grips with hidden Jewish ancestry isn’t always easy. Abraham H. Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, offered to be Allen’s counselor in his new search for identity. Foxman, who was born Jewish in Poland but was raised Roman Catholic by a nanny who protected him during World War II, suggests that Allen has yet to make peace with his own Jewish roots. “He needs to work it out within himself, and he needs to sit down with me [or the media] and share the depths of his anger, confusion and embarrassment.” Will George Allen’s Jewish Moment Help or Hurt? - Newsweek Society -

Does this all seem out of proportion to anyone else? I mean c'mon!

“Because he doesn’t seem to know how to deal with some of the mostsensitive issues that speak to his fundamental character … Allenobviously hasn’t assimilated too many of history’s lessons and thelessons of American politics, which is that you can’t hide anything—youhave to embrace it, you have to own it.”

The lessons of history? If someone came to me and told me that I had english ancestry would I have been "hiding" something? Something is wrong with these people that makes them think that this is a big deal.

The quote from Foxman is even more perplexing.

[he] suggests that Allen has yet to make peace with his own Jewish roots.“He needs to work it out within himself, and he needs to sit down withme [or the media] and share the depths of his anger, confusion andembarrassment.

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